Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Soul

Spirit drawing that became concept art for a Science Fiction novel.


Lottery Girl said...

AWESOME drawing! I clicked on it to see it larger--love how the brain is faceted like a diamond. The drawing does evoke sci-fi. Great job!

Robert A Vollrath said...

Thanks Lottery Girl

My current girlfriend has helped me be more open to all things spiritual and posting these 'spirit drawings' has helped me deal with things I can't explain in words.

I'm thinking of turning this drawing into a small oil painting on copper.

Nardeeisms said...

Love it Bob. I see your art has really been evolving lately! You have really made this your own - Nards

Robert A Vollrath said...

That's Nards

Yours and others comments help me decide which way to go with my art and writing.