Saturday, September 20, 2008

Forever Fish

Has my blog been hacked? I can't edit my blog anymore. I can't save drafts of my posts.
Has this happened to anyone else?

The Forever Fish swam into my imagination.

"Aren't you being a little paranoid Robert? Come on, who would want to hack your blog?"

"I'd answer that Forever Fish but then I'd sound more paranoid."

Is Blogger having these problems on a larger scale?

"Come on Robert just swim with me in a sea of dreams and forget blogging for a while."

I begin to swim with the Forever Fish and hope for the best.

I just read that blogger is aware of this problem and I'm not the only one. My problem started when I got Myspace IM.


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Great colours and subject. How did you achieve that glorious light?? Sorry you are having blogger problems. Maybe that answers the fact that some of my comments arent appearing on blogs I visit of late.

Robert A Vollrath said...

I didn't achieve that glorious light as this is a photo collage from books and magazines. The photo collage seen here is halfway through the process. I would over paint the collage if it becomes part of a graphic novel.

All my blog problems are fixed now and I'm happy with how Blogger handled the whole thing.