Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Whale Wednesday

The above photograph is by Dr. Louis M Herman/NOAA. The image was taken from the National Geographic site.

Each Wednesday I'll be posting something about whales. I've never seen a whale and know very little about these wonderful animals but I feel the killing of whales must stop and I hope to add my voice to the protest against whaling.


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

My, what a change to your blogging but how so so interesting. The story of Elvis and his experiences makes us realise we don't know a book from its cover and we should find time to chat to older people (says me at 74!!). Another of my favourites Margaret Storer has special days of the week for specific subjects, so I look forward to your Mermaid Mondays and Whale Wednesdays.

Robert A Vollrath said...

Thanks Joan

I need to get over to your blog and leave a comment.
Friday I'm doing a all day posting on your painting in the final push to finish it. What the painting looks like on the end the day will be it. No more overpainting!

Elvis was fun to talk with:)