Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dragon Rings

I'm going green by seeing red.

I don't care what silly mindless games you play in the world.

I care about children in toxic towns cooking metals out of my country's E-waste so some heartless fat cat CEO can make a few dollars more. All my E-waste will go in landfills. I'll never donate to the death of children in another country. I don't care about the monuments you build to your ego that reach into the sky and dam your rivers. I care about Tibet and their culture you have tried so hard to destroy. I will not watch your games. I will not buy your toys for my grandchildren. I will never travel to your land till it is free.

China your people have been great for thousands of years, isn't it time your government stop acting like a spoiled rotten child that hates everything it can't have?

Next Post; 1885


Speedcat Hollydale said...

Here here!!!

clown princess said...

You've summed it up for me as well.

Robert A Vollrath said...

I have friends that never listen to the news and ignore everything that is bad in the world but I have found that I'm not that kind of person.

I feel I must vent on this blog from time to time and I want China to take what is best from America and not the worst aspects of our culture.