Thursday, January 3, 2008

Who is this Person?

Former Censored of Censored was a big part of the original edit of the movie BFB. As I'm no longer involved in the production or post production, I don't know how large a part she will play in the final cut of the movie. I have a negative view of Censored. Is my negative view justified?
I'm not sure.
I have never spoken to Censored but I have videotaped her many times. Once I had my camera only a few inches from her face as she cut in front of me in a crowd to escape hard questions from Censored. To her credit the body guard that protected her never threaten me for videotaping the Censored. Censored had a different experience than I did and was Censored by Censored when he tried to videotape Censored at a open meeting under the sunshine law. I wasn't there but I have no doubt Censored was telling me the truth. Perhaps the Censored and Censored over reacted to Censored style of camera work. Censored sued the Censored
for the Censored which lead to some of the best footage in the original edit.
During the time I was known as the Co-Director of Censored I had a morning meeting with Censored at his office. The meeting ended early and I began my long drive home.
I was 20 miles from Censored when I heard on my van radio that Censored was having a press conference that afternoon at Censored to announce her plans for an Censored downtown. Upon hearing this I knew Censored and I could get into the press conference because of his pending Censored against the Censored. At this point in the production I knew I had underbid the contract for the movie and gas money was the biggest dent in my budget. I drove a few more miles before I turned the van around. Getting the press conference on video was more important than my budget. Censored was still in his office when I got back but hadn't heard about the press conference.

"Do you really think we can get in?"

"Censored you have a Censored against the Censored, she won't dare stop us."

We got into the press conference and Censored asked Censored the last question.
It was a great question and she gave a condescending answer. Censored and I caught the whole thing on video.

After Emanate Domain was used to force the sell of many small businesses to the city to make way for the new downtown the demolition began. I was video taping the wreaking ball destroying the Censored building when I decided to get a shot from the observation deck of Censored City Hall. After 9-11 you could only go to the observation deck with a security guard. After checking in with security on ground level I was told go to the basement and wait by the elevators. As I waited for the security guard, Censored came out of one of the basement elevators. The last thing I wanted was to have the Censored think I was some kind of stalker with a camera. Video taping the Censored at a town meeting or a political rally seemed fair but this was just a creepy accident of timing. I held my camera at my side while turning the lens away from the direction of the Censored. I tried not to make eye contact as she walked past me towards the city hall underground parking lot. I didn't turn to look at the Censored until she was through the double glass doors. When I did look, she was on her cell phone looking directly at me.

"Great, security is never going to let me get my shot now."

I thought to myself as the CENSORED turned and disappeared into the parking lot.
The security guard took me up to observation deck a few minutes later.
He asked what I was going to use the video for and I told him the truth. As I left city hall with my shot on tape I decided not to press my luck and went to my van to head home. At the far end of the pay as you park lot, two CENSORED were standing by their trucks. The two were at opposite ends of the CENSORED scale of CENSORED. CENSORED was middle aged, short, fat and in a suit. He drove a CENSORED colored SUV. The other CENSORED was in his early thirties, tall, thin, wearing work boots, jeans and a CENSORED. He was driving a beat up old pickup in faded CENSORED and CENSORED with CENSORED showing through. I put my video camera in the back of my van and drove off. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the two CENSORED get into their trucks and followed me to Main Street. I pulled into the CENSORED shopping district and the two trucks followed me. I began driving south on CENSORED and the two CENSORED followed me. I know they were CENSORED because two weeks before I had videotaped a lone protester in front of the CENSORED building. CENSORED workers preparing for the destruction of CENSORED were taking jobs away from CENSORED members. The lone protester told me that the CENSORED had made a back room deal with CENSORED to let some CENSORED prepare the properties for transfer to CENSORED at greatly reduced price.
The two CENSORED wouldn't let me talk to their members on camera.
I was nearing the CENSORED Mall when the pickup truck raced past me and pulled in front of my van. At the same time the SUV pulled beside me matching my speed. The pickup driver slammed on his brakes as the SUV driver swerved into my lane. This forced me to violently slam on my brakes as I ran up on the right hand curb.

"This can't be happening!"

I thought as it happened again. When they tried it the third time I was in full road rage.
I decided to play their game and drove my van through the narrow gap between the SUV and Pickup. The SUV ran up on the left hand curb and the Pickup sped up.
I pulled beside the Pickup and made my right hand into the shape of a gun. I pointed my right index finger at the Pickup driver dropping my thumb over and over again like the hammer of a gun. My face was twisted in rage looking in the direction of the coward in the Pickup.
He looked so little as he turned off into the first exit into the mall parking lot.
I turned my attention to the SUV running even beside me. I pointed my mock gun at the fool in the SUV as he tried to ignore me. We stopped side by side at the next red light. I honked my horned my horn and screamed at the fat pudgy man that had tried to tag team wreak my van.
The light turned green and the man turned left peeling out as he ran over the curve.
I laughed as I drove home. My mini-van and a loaded finger beat two CENSORED, a SUV and a Pickup truck.
I know CENSORED didn't call those CENSORED.
She more than likely called the City Hall Security and the two CENSORED were just an accident of timing.
She is running for the U.S. CENSORED now.

I would vote for her if I lived in her district. Not because I think CENSORED would make a good
U.S. CENSORED. U.S. CENSORED would be good for the movie BFB.
A movie I worked so hard on and am getting so little credit for.

The back room deal between the CENSORED and the CENSORED is hear say and may not be true.

I self censored this post to get by the blogger censors.
Blogger has the right to censor anything they see fit.
I want to tell the truth in this blog.
I hope blogger respects free speech.

Censored by blogger on Jan. 6th, 2008.

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