Friday, February 8, 2008

The Wheel

The Wheel was a leader of the Heart Realm.

The Wheel became very ill and the power elite of the Heart Realm named a Griffin Nesting after him to honor him as he neared death.

The Wheel didn't die and he was given a new leadership role in the Greater Realm of Misery.

The Fool talked to the Wheel and told him the truth about the evil of the Rail Castle.

The Wheel talked to the Paper King and was threatened with the stripping of his power.

The Paper King used the Shield to strip the power from the Wheel.

The Shield was given Great Power in the Great Empire.

The Coin Troll became the new Heart Realm Leader and all were sad and remembered the good leadership of the Wheel.


иidhi S said...

wow...and gosh

well.. you have got great insight there..


i have already started posting on my Harry potter fan fiction blog. if interested you can visit it from my profile.


i would be grateful if yo uleave comments.

Robert A Vollrath said...

The Wheel in real life is the only honest politician I ever meet.
The Paper King, Coin Troll and the Shield fit into the standard mold of what a politician is.

Thanks for the comment and I'll be sure to check your fan fiction site.