Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Artist Hero

On Feb. 8th, 9th and 10th I did volunteer work for Project InSECT.

On those days I watched Jessa Huebing-Reitinger paint a beetle and become a hero to one little girl after another. She is a hero to women, boys and men but the looks in little girls eyes is magical.

"I like to paint horses."

Said a little girl to Jessa.

"I grew up on a horse farm."

Said Jessa.

"Oh that must have been wonderful but why do you paint bugs now?"

"To paint the beauty all around us but seldom seen and to show the value in the smallest of God's creatures. To educate how important insects are to us."

You could see the sparkle in the little girl's eyes as she hung on every word of her Artist Hero.



иidhi S said...

"Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder" - someone said it very true, and you prove it here.

respecting even the smaller beings is the true value, hat people today lack.

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Here I go again - did this little girl and the beetle artist actually have this conversation when you were at the event or is it one of your imaginary stories???? Love it any way. You have this ability to bring our deepest thoughts out into the open to re-assess. We have been inundated in England with the Spanish lady bird and I get so fed up with them everywhere, especially as they have taken over from our own beautiful red and black spotted ladybird. I must change my attitude to them. Thanks. As for spiders - I think that would take a mountainous leap of faith. See what your wonderful words do?

Robert A Vollrath said...

To Nidhi S
I believe all living things have beauty.

To Joan
Yes, the little girl and Jessa had that conversation. I'll ask Jessa to leave a comment.

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

I looked up Jessa Huebing Reitinger's work on the net and was spell bound. What an amazing method of bringing art to the populace. I went through every section, enlarging every image and had a wonderful time. What a specialist artist. No wonder she is your most favourite. I'll look at insects in a different way now. Thanks.

Robert A Vollrath said...

Jessa and James have the most amazing story.

I hope to write a novel about their life someday but I'm sure writers will be lining up to tell this story.

They are two artists that have never sold out and never will. Both their lives could have been easier if they had worked for someone who was using a concept of mine that he had overheard in a private conversation.

Having great artists as friends that will never betray you is a wonderful feeling.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed browsing through your blog. You have a unique and gifted writing style... almost soothing. Do you write professionally somewhere??

Eric from "Speedcat Hollydale"

Robert A Vollrath said...

No, I'm not a professional writer.
I began to write after a head injury simply to try to remember how.
From 1975 to 2002 I had many days a year when I couldn't remember how to spell my own name.

I found the only time I could write was when I was very angry, that somehow this made my broken mind work. After working at a Science Museum where hundreds of children were hurt by poorly designed exhibits and managers that didn't care I became very angry for three years.

I fought a war with words, a video camera and my imagination. I took on a bully billionaire with a household name and every corrupt politician in his hip pocket and after I won that war and my anger faded away I found I could write without being angry.

I want more than anything to be a professional writer but perhaps that is to grand a dream for a man with a broken mind to reach for.

Thank you for your kind comment.