Saturday, March 21, 2009

Original Project InSECT Video

I have permission to post this video as I shot it for free for Project InSECT.

Hold on one second (or day) while I get the next post ready.

I hope you enjoyed Jessa "The Bug Lady" in this first video of her describing her Insect Art.

Please do not copy as this video is a gift from me to Project InSECT.

Project InSECT owns all rights to this video and I have permission to post this clip.


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

What an incredible artist and teacher. Loved Harley and all the description - didnt know about the simple eyes seeing light/shadow only. Thought I might have been missing lots of posts as I have been so busy of late not visited as often as I would like. Good luck with your plans - see you in May.

pumpki&mo said...

very interesting, the work as well as her description.

Robert A Vollrath said...

To Joan

Need to take a peek at your blog too.

I've been busy with the novel and rewriting that script so doing less with blog seemed the only way to go.

I will be post more video chips as I'm working to improve my editing skills.

Robert A Vollrath said...

To rosalie

Video can't really do the Project justice but I feel this clip captured some of the interaction between Jessa and the public.

I hope to see more of your woodcarving on your blog:)

Jessa said...

Thanks for posting our video Robert! That was great footage. It is hard to believe that was shot nearly 5 years ago already. I look so much thinner than I am now. Those were the days of mac-n-cheese and P&J sandwhiches for all meals. Look forward to more clips on your blog. You are the greatest! Jessa & James

Robert A Vollrath said...

To Jessa

You're welcome. Nice to talk to you on the phone. The next clip will have the second half of the first clip and then the third clip will have you and James at Powell Gardens.

иidhi S said...

Really nice work... waiting for more :)

Robert A Vollrath said...

I'm very busy. I'm getting some footage I shot from a plane back and will edit that for my next post on May 1st. This footage was made two weeks before 9/11 2001 and is rare.

You can't circle a building in a plane after 9/11.