Monday, April 6, 2009


This isn't the video I wanted to post after the original Project InSECT footage but I hope you enjoy this footage.

I have permission to post this video as I made it for Project InSECT.

Please do not copy this video as it is a gift from me to Project InSECT.


pumpki&mo said...

glad to know you back after that (un)certain time -

i also liked this video but it reminded me of a thing i always have questioned which is if we humans have the right to capture animals.. interesting to obeserve the ones we aren't able to observe in their common environment but on the other too sad how they then (if they capture them) are being treated ..

Robert A Vollrath said...

I'm still in that (un)certain time.

I worked in a live butterfly exhibit and its sad to see creatures trapped.

I don't even like radio collars on wild creatures. Why do we need to capture and control creatures?

I believe the universe has only one soul so I am the ants and the boy that put the ants in an ant farm.