Monday, December 1, 2008

Peace for my Granddaughter Cordelia

I love her more than the numbers of stars in the heaven. My heart can never stay broken long when I have a dream of a granddaughter. What world will I leave her? She is truly my little Queen of Dreams. I want to leave her a world of equal rights and equal pay.

I want to leave her a world where a woman can be the most powerful person on earth or better yet, a world where no one has that much power. A world without men thinking they own women.
A world where a woman keeps her last name for life and passes that name to her daughters.

A world where no woman is forced to do anything against her will.


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

The love for your grand children shines through your every word. Dont get so downheartened over the future, we have no way of knowing how love will overcome sorrow and evil.... but it will.

Robert A Vollrath said...

I'm not down heartened about the future. I'm going to change it.

Love always overcomes sorrow and evil. We in our limited view of reality can't always see it.

At this point in time we have a great future ahead of us.

Nardeeisms said...

Robert, she is growing right before our very eyes...and what a beautiful child she is. As for the future? ..."We Shall Overcome"...Keep on shining, "Knight of the Red Boot"- Nards

Robert A Vollrath said...

Thanks Again Nards

Your comment means a lot.
I'm writing with one hand through a wall of pain. I dislocated and broke a rib last week moving a giant non-working TV.

I know we will overcome as President Elect Obama is showing some wonderful leadership skills.