I knew Ronald Regan was going to be killed in office, Didn't happen.
I knew my second child was going to be a girl, Micheal was all boy.
I'm sure there are many more that I don't remember.
What are visions? What are false visions? I have no answers.
When we know something about the future that turns out to be true, it's a miracle.
When we know something about the future that turns out to be false, what's that?
The truth is I have no answers, only questions.
the same with me, only questions..
but on the one hand there are a few questions that can be answered, at least, but on the other we cannot say if these answers are 'true' answers, answers that are finally a fact and, so to say, absolute. we don't know for sure..
at the end everyone shall get the answers that build maybe a comfortable personal reality, more or less.
at least i think there have to remain questions that can't be answered with words- maybe this is the secret of life, what makes up the magic ;)
I try not to let visions control my life too much as I don't think anyone can truly see the future and how can I tell a false vision from a true one?
You can fall into a trap of trying to have visions and ending up insane.
In future post I'll write about one experiment with imagination that went bad.
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