Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am story boarding my 2009 version of Two Jews and a Pagan to go into a one day shooting production on August 2nd 2009. I have spent $60.00 on the production so far and still need to confirm if one of my actors can make it that day.

I have spent more money on this production than I want think about but of course there is hundreds of other productions to come. I'm thousands of dollars in debt and the money pit of production looms.

The short movie Two Jews and a Pagan cost over $600.00 to make and I fall deeper in debt to prove to myself and the world at large that I am a writer and director.

I know people that made feature length movies for half what it cost me to do this short movie but they didn't pay their cast and crew a penny.

I'm trying to create a code of conduct for myself as I make independent movies. This production proved everything I believe in when making a movie. Stay positive, turn a negative into an advantage and put actors first.

I wrote half of this post after the production was finished on August 3rd 2009. I am now moving into post production on this movie.


Unknown said...

I so hope for a successful production.

Robert A Vollrath said...

Thanks Desiree

As I move closer to the shooting date I feel more confident in the movie's outcome.

Karin Bartimole said...

Hi Robert, happy belated birthday! I hope you had a happy one, and that all production moves forward smoothly! Happy shooting :)

Robert A Vollrath said...

Happy belated birthday to you as we have the same month and day.

The movie move forward and thanks for the positive thoughts.