Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Frankenstein Effect

I was at the lowest point in my life. All the years of mind numbing never ending pain had come to this. All the Hell Dreams and Utopian Nightmares. All the times I fell down and couldn't get back up for long periods of time. I told my family I went into the Light and they put me in a mental ward.

The nurse came and gave me a shot to knock me out. My story was so crazy, I had to be crazy.

"It won't work."

"I assure you Mr. Vollrath it will work. You will fall asleep very soon."

"You're wrong, you'll see. Drugs don't work on me like they do other people. Not since the Light."

As she walked away I felt the effect of the drug and my imagination went to war.

I was a child of the Space Age but I was bathed in the Light of the One Soul. My waking dreams were more powerful than any drug. I simply turned up the volume on my soul and the effects of the drug went away.

An hour later another nurse came by my room.

"Did you get your shot?"

"Of course but it didn't work at all. Like I told the other nurse I went into the Light."

"Don't lie to me. If someone gave you a shot you would be asleep by now."

"You would think that but my mind works different than most... OUCH!"

"There, you'll be asleep in no time at all."

The second nurse left the room as I looked down at my arm. She had given me the second shot almost in the same spot as I got the first. What an interesting science experiment this was.


I can get out of this mental ward with half my brain tied behind my back.


This isn't as funny as it was a few seconds ago. Come on imagination don't fail me now.

I found some change hidden in my room that I had palmed when I was checked in.
This is going to be tricky. I stood up and my null side followed. I used my left leg as a crutch as I made my way to the bathroom mirror. Oh, you are pretty.

I was a drooling droopy eyed fool. Has I walked out of my room dragging my left side with me I thought I must look like a Universal Studios movie monster.

I made it to the pay phone and called my wife. Talking when you can't feel half of your mouth isn't easy.

"JAAckkkie I beennn doubbleed dooseed wiithh doope. Cooomee gett meee!"

I made my way back to my room. I had asked the One Soul to get me out in 8 hours or less but I didn't realizes how hard I was going to work to make it happen. Prayers only work if you make them work.

The first nurse came back and was shocked to see me still awake.

"Twwo shotts."

I held up two fingers with my right hand.

"Wannt to trry for threee?"

"Oh, my God!"

"Go fiinnnd thaat otherr nuuurse andd telll her I'mm not lyiiing."

The nurse ran out of the room.

I heard them talking just outside my room.

"My God we gave him enough drugs to knock out an elephant!"

"We'll be lucky if he doesn't die!"

As they walked in the room I began to bang my left hand on the bed railing with my right hand.

"IIII don'tt feeel a thiiinng!"

The two woman looked at me in horror. They took my blood pressure and pulse being careful not to tell me what it was. I pretended to go to sleep telling myself I wouldn't go to sleep and I would wake up as soon as I heard my wife's voice if I did.

I fell into a hell dream and the drugs were a Storm of Death and I became a Red Dragon.
My burning breath held the vortex of death away from my twisting serpent body.
Death fell upon me and captured me and in my effort to escape I turned into a thousand tiny blue jellyfish.

All the little bits of my life force sank deep into the dark void of death. My imagination weaken an I found pity for myself as I was going to die in a mental ward. Each blue bit of me began to blink out in the blackness of death. I was going to die. I would never see my sons grow into men.
I was going to die. I would never know my grand children. I was going to die a complete failure in a mental ward. I was down to one blue jellyfish. It's small light began to flicker.

I heard my wife's voice and that little jellyfish exploded into a Giant Blue Dragon and ate death whole.

I sat up in bed and looked at my wife, nurse one and nurse two, all three standing in my room before me.

"They gave me enough drugs to knock out an elephant!"

My speech was no longer slurred. Feeling was coming back to my left side.

"They're lucky they didn't kill me!"

Nurse One looked at my wife;

"We advise you to keep him here."

"I can't leave him here. You might have killed him."

My wife signed me out with 40 minutes left on my eight hour deadline.

No longer my wife, I will always care for Jackie Goss for signing me out of a nightmare when her name was Jackie Vollrath.


Unknown said...

I don't know what to say, yet I can't keep my fingers from the keyboard...

I am full of admiration of how you handled the situation and of you.

Your mind must be something real extrodinary. You've just given me a small glimps of it and I am grateful.

chrome3d said...

Even though the story described a nightmare of a drug episode it was incredibly clear and logic like a machine at work.

Robert A Vollrath said...

To Desiree

I've wanted to write this story for a long time but it was too painful to deal with until now.

This story is going to be turned into a movie script and I plan to direct this short film myself.

I won't be playing myself as I'm too old for the part.

I thank you for this comment and all your comments as they give me courage to write posts like The Frankenstein Effect.

Robert A Vollrath said...

To chrome3d

When I feel threatened I become very focused on how to deal with a problem.

I've never taken drugs for recreation. I don't like my mind to be altered in any way. My mind always fights the effects of drugs but I believe this true life story was the only time I used symbolic imagines to try to stay awake.

At the time I felt I might die if I didn't fight the effects of this drug overdose.

Nardeeisms said...

***Applause*** Why? For your having the courage to relate to us the unimaginable! Thank you for sharing Robert.


Robert A Vollrath said...

Always nice to hear from you Nards.

This very strange battle inside my mind is one of the reasons I believe imagination is the most powerful gift we have as humans.