Sunday, January 18, 2009

Comment on Comments

Comments are the engine that drive this blog or any blog. You get to decide what I write.
I am a communal writer and artist. I am not a fine artist. If I get negative feedback from comments, I write about something else.

I sometimes give flags to blogs that change the direction of this blog.
Many of the blogs that have flags I no longer read but it does not change the fact they made a change in me.


иidhi S said...

its really an honor to be inspiring someone.
and comments for any artist or a follower of art, be it of any form, a feedback is what drives the artist to perform.
An any artist can never take a good shape until he finds a good ctitique.

Robert A Vollrath said...

Both positive and negative feedback are good things. I remember the first movie script I wrote and the negative feedback I got from friends.

They were right and I pitched that script into the trash can. My second script was better because of that negative feedback.

Nardeeisms said...

Robert, I understand this completely. A lot of blogs I also no longer read...but like you, I am unable to deny the impact they have had on my life. So much so, that I plan to go through all of my previous comments and do a post that specifically addresses this fact. Thanks for your inspiration ~Nards

Robert A Vollrath said...

Nards you made my day.

Because of my many projects, I have little time for blogging. My blog is a grab bag and I never have time to make it into what I want it to be.

I now see other people's blogs as electronic spirit guides and I plan to write about that on this blog.