Sunday, January 4, 2009

Love your Enemy

I refuse to hate anyone. This can be a hard road to travel. So easy to hate and so hard to forgive.

I want peace for all the children of the world. Peace would give a chance for the future to grow.

I feel helpless against the cycle of hate. How can I stop the wholesale murder we humans call war?

I can throw words at the hate that kills children. Maybe someone will listen and hate will fail.

I beg you to stop the cycle of hate that rains murder down on children.

I beg you to find the courage to stop the cycle of hate.

I beg you to love your enemy.

I don't care about what side of the conflict you are on.

I don't care about your reasons for the hate you feel.

I don't care about your politics.

I care about our future in the love we feed the children of the world.

Is it silly for me to think I can save the world one imagination at a time?

I've never been afraid to be a fool. Call me a fool as I try to stop the cycle of hate with a few words. Tell me that I can't stop the wars as only one voice. Tell me I'm only a dreamer.

Please someone tell me that love will win against hate.


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

I'll willingly tell you so Robert. My daughter demonstrates it to me daily with all her kindness to others. Our friends show it to us at every opportunity. If it can start in the family it can move out into neighbours, village, town, county, country . Why cant we believe it could happen all over the world. Your words make us all think it is possible for love to spread. God bless you my blogger guru.

Robert A Vollrath said...

Thank you for all your kind words.

I believe people are more good than bad but it is easy to get caught up in a cycle of hate.

I hope my novel can help turn people from the cycle of hate.