Monday, February 23, 2009

Not the Co-Director

I gave five years of my life to the movie Begging for Billionaires.

I came up with the title for the movie.

A few weeks before 9/11 I videotaped Kansas City from a plane for the movie.

I was going to make a list of all the work I did on the movie but I just want to move on with my life.

I didn't get the credit I was promised by the producer and I no longer want my name on the movie.

The story I wanted to tell is no longer in the movie and the credit I have been given is a lie to me.

I decided not to put a link to the movie on this blog as for me to pretend to be supportive of this movie is becoming a lie in my heart.

I am going to ask the producer to remove my name from the movie and his website.

Then my work on the movie will be for the right reasons and not to support my own ego.


иidhi S said...

Taking credit for your work, is your right.
And good or bad, Its somewhere a product of your own imagination and mind.

Never boast and credit yourself for doing someone some good, coz dat cud be the worst.

Robert A Vollrath said...

Taking credit for my work is my right and not taking credit for false credit should also be my right.

I try not to boast with my stories on this blog and I show myself in a negative way in many of my stories.

Unknown said...

You should do what you feel is right for you.

But remember that as an overboosted ego might harm you and others, a neglected ego might make you disapear and be equally harmful.

And that would be a shame.

Robert A Vollrath said...

All my posts on the movie will be rewritten in general terms and I won't write about the movie using the movie's name.

I will be taking full credit for my novel.

The producer has agreed to remove my name from the project and I am very happy about that decision.

I will never work on a propaganda movie again. To me, pop-corn movies are more honest.