Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Imagination Ark

Here is another version of my Imagination Center. This time I have built it in my mind on a large lake with temples of learning surrounding domes of dreams.


pumpki&mo said...

mind-blowing image, really..

simply great- and imagine this beautiful and suitable place to feel free, to set ones' mind free and be creative (whatever that shall mean..) with people who love to do so ;)

Robert A Vollrath said...

From your comment I know you get what I'm going for. I think this simple photo college captures what I want to do.

I want to make a place of beauty where artists can bring dreams to life. I started this project in 2000 after working at a terrible science center.

The drawing of the temples was an early version of the way the science center was to look and I saved the drawing from a dumpster. The people that ran the place hated their own history.

Anything that had anything to do with imagination was destroyed.
I left bitter after two years and tried to design a better way to impart creativity through my designs.

The powers that be, keep rejecting my concepts so I've decided to post my older designs on this blog.