Thursday, June 26, 2008


I plan to post all the concept art and none of the text. The title is a working title and not what the story will be called in its finished form.


Toxiferous said...

These pictures look amazing so far! I really love this dream/story.

Robert A Vollrath said...

All my art has seemed forced for years but this dream/story that came from my wants and fears seems to flow from me in both art and story.

I've made a vow to myself not to work on anything else until this storybook is finished.

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Adore the artwork for your book - the colours, composition and so fresh. So it would mean you already know where you are going with the story line to be able to create these works first - yes??? Or will it be the other way round?? Clever whichever way. Quite envious but delighted you have this great project going right from the heart. You are such a family man it will sell like hotcakes to all those granddads for birthday and Christmas gifts to their loved ones.

Robert A Vollrath said...

To Joan

The story and visuals come directly from the dream. Two changes I made from the dream are the robot has legs and the body isn't box like. Grandpa and the Grandchildren are already wearing their costumes and don't change into them. It took a day and a half to come up with the title I'm going to use instead of Hyper Diapered Heroes.

Until I read your comment I didn't think who would buy this storybook.
I think you might be right.