Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pawnshops for Billionaires

The dark side of museums worldwide is the fact that so many are warehouses of stolen goods.
The best way to have a world class museum is to have it built in a current or ancient empire.
Lets say a little emperor steals the broken beard of Egypt's Sphinx and then he is defeated in battle and gives the stone beard to the next empire and they put it in a museum, not once thinking they should give it back to the culture it was stolen from. Does it still remain the the position of that now fallen empire?

Easy for me to say, I live in the current next fallen empire. My country has a few Pawnshops for Billionaires of its own. I know all about PFBs, you see I worked for one. The museum I worked for stole from four counties, two states, one city and one all American Empire. A Bully Billionaire ran the puppet show better than any Mafia Godfather could ever dream of.

I'm now poking the bear with a stick folks, so this would be a good time to start praying for the fool that is writing this blog. Blogger cut me some slack here, I'm trying to tell the truth without telling the truth. Google do me no evil. Bully Billionaire you're a big boy you can take it can't you?

Maybe I should have titled this post; How To Steal The Cultural Artifacts Of A City Without Really Trying. No, that title is too long. Maybe I should have called this post; The 200 Year Crime. The Bully Billionaire owns the land the museum is on and will never live to see the payoff of this Legacy Crime in or around 2114. How do I know this? My grandmother was a hairdresser and did the hair of a Lady Billionaire that owned the property the museum was on. The Lady Billionaire bragged how her family didn't sell their land to the city of my birth but had leased it for 200 years. Sometime in the 20th century the Bully billionaire had bought the land.

The city had built a transportation hub on their leased land. When that form of transportation fell out of favor the building for that hub fell to ruin. The Bully Billionaire had a business-hotel-shopping complex near the ruins of the hub so he and the other city leaders talked the citizens of the city of my birth into given him all the cultural artifacts of the city so he could turn the hub into a museum. The Bully Billionaire became a Begging Billionaire by proxy as the many divisions of governments were conned into given him millions of dollars in land improvements and artifacts.

Somebody should write a book about this. Maybe someone has.

Next Post; How Warm Was Your Cold War?

Photo GNU Free Documentation License

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