Saturday, June 26, 2010

Talking with Elvis

On thursday I meet Elvis and Elvis asked his daughter if I was seeing her. His daughter told me what she said to Elvis but I can't remember what she told me. Later after Elvis left we did a little bit of mind speak. We were very good at mind speak in 2008 but we kind of lost that and I can't explain it to whole life people anyway. It's kind of mind reading without the reading and please don't make it dirty in your mind because its as pure as a breeze in heaven.

The moment I meet Elvis I liked him and he had a good hand shake that any man of ninety would be proud of. Elvis, his daughter and I spoke of many things and I feel his life is a great epic. His daughter had told me in World War Two how Elvis had landed in a concentration camp at the end of the war.

His daughter tells me of the landing in a plane in the center of the concentration camp. How he was one of the first to see the horrors of that Nazi Hell from American. He opened the ovens and saw the human bones. Deep underground he found the room full of jars. Jars filled with human eyeballs.

His daughter tells me when she was a girl she thought her father was dead once. At that moment he was in Vietnam. He was the first to go in a tunnel and that tunnel had collapsed on him. He was buried alive and can't be in small places to this day.

I didn't talk to him about war or his famous first name. We talked about him being the driver of the President of the United States of America. During the Bay of Pigs and the Cuba Missile Crisis he was the driver of an Air Force car for John F Kennedy.

When you see a man of eighty or ninety have some respect for you may be in the presents of living history.

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